Editing Services
At Phenomenal Content LLC, we really care about the English language. Bad spelling and grammar cause us to lose sleep at night. We realize that not everyone is as obsessed with perfection of the written word as we are, so our team is here to help you with your copyediting and proofreading needs.
- Spelling
- Grammar
- Punctuation
- Awkward phrasing
- Capitalization
Copyediting services are billed per page (Courier New, 12 point, double spaced, with one inch margins) with a $50 minimum.
Copyediting does not include fact checking or rewriting content, only correcting technical aspects of the writing. If you need to have content re-written, please check out our copywriting services – the original content to be re-written would be considered research material for the writer.
Contact us today to request our editing and proofreading services!